Open Daily 10 AM to 5 PM. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & Feb. 8, 2025

Open Cockpit Saturdays: F7F Tigercat

Museum guests are treated to the extra special experience of being allowed to sit at the controls and pose for pictures. From 10:30-12:30 each Saturday, a selected aircraft will be […]

Open Cockpit Saturdays: F4U-Corsair

Schedule: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM each Saturday Museum guests are treated to the extra special experience of being allowed to sit at the controls and pose for pictures. From […]

Open Cockpit Saturdays: P-40 Warhawk

Museum guests are treated to the extra special experience of being allowed to sit at the controls and pose for pictures. From 10:30-12:30 each Saturday, a selected aircraft will be […]

Open Cockpit Saturdays: F4F Wildcat

Museum guests are treated to the extra special experience of being allowed to sit at the controls and pose for pictures. From 10:30-12:30 each Saturday, a selected aircraft will be […]

Open Cockpit Saturdays: P-47 Thunderbolt

Museum guests are treated to the extra special experience of being allowed to sit at the controls and pose for pictures. From 10:30-12:30 each Saturday, a selected aircraft will be […]

September 9th: LifeStream Blood Drive

Blood Drive at the Palm Springs Air Museum. Appointments can be made by calling (800)879-4484 or by visiting Walk-ins are welcome.  Blood Donors receive free admission to the Palm […]

Open Cockpit Saturday: Supermarine Spitfire Mk XIV

Museum guests are treated to the extra special experience of being allowed to sit at the controls and pose for pictures. From 10:30-12:30 each Saturday, a selected aircraft will be […]


stead air field

We will be bringing three vintage warbirds to participate in the races this year! Each year we struggle to make the costs of insurance for the aircraft. Your donations can make […]

Open Cockpit Saturdays: F4U Corsair

Museum guests are treated to the extra special experience of being allowed to sit at the controls and pose for pictures. From 10:30-12:30 each Saturday, a selected aircraft will be […]

POW/MIA Recognition Night

Palm Springs Air Museum 745 North Gene Autry Trail, Palm Springs, CA, United States

In the United States, National POW/MIA Recognition Day is observed annually on the third Friday in September. It honors those who were prisoners of war and those who are still […]