Open Daily 10 AM to 5 PM. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & Feb. 8, 2025

Ronald M. Auen Learning Center First Flight Experience

About the Program

First Flight Experience is an opportunity for students from the Coachella Valley and surrounding areas, 12-17 years old, with a serious interest in becoming airline pilots to explore that interest and have their first flight lesson with us!


Each aspiring pilot will receive an introduction to flight in the Palm Springs Air Museum’s Cessna 182 Skylane, Inspiration One, and receive a First Flight shirt and flight log.


Each student goes through a pre-flight check with the flight instructor before take-off, and learns about take-off and landing procedures, in addition to how to maneuver the plane in-air.


After landing, participants receive a certificate commemorating their flight. Time spent in the air counts towards the total number of hours needed to qualify for a pilot’s license.


First Flight Experience participants then have the opportunity to take a pilot assessment with our partners, SoCal Pilot Center, which shows them their areas of strength in becoming a pilot and helps guide them in improving their odds for success. This also includes an assessment in a fully immersive flight simulator.


Palm Springs Air Museum is proud to offer this incredible opportunity to local youth at no cost to families! It is our hope that First Flight Experience will inspire future aviators to see their own potential!


Applications for the 2024-2025 flight season are now open! There is a high demand to participate in the program and space is limited. 50 students will be selected for the 2024-2025 flight season. Be sure to check your email for any communications from !


Who can participate?

Local youth 12 to 17 years of age, who have never had any flight experience, with a serious interest in becoming a pilot or to be in a program on a flight track.

To help make sure our flight students have a great experience, we ask that students be at least 4’10” tall. This helps in making sure student pilots can see out the windshield of the plane, and reach the pedals with their feet.


This program runs October through May, offering flights the first Saturday of the month. If selected, you may be scheduled at any point between October and May for your flight day. Please be sure to check your email for any communications from us.


The Experience

  • Each aspiring pilot will receive an introduction to the Palm Springs Air Museum and receive a First Flight shirt and flight log.
  • Participants will be introduced to the Cessna 182 Skylane, Inspiration One.
  • Participants will then board, taxi and take-off for an approximate 30 minute flight with the Certified Flight Instructor.
  • After landing, participants will receive a certificate commemorating their flight.


How are applicants selected to participate in First Flight Experience?

Our goal is to foster the love of aviation in students who have a serious interest in becoming an airline pilot. The more robust your application is, the greater your chances of being selected.

Examples of school studies that will help you in learning about aviation can (and should) come from across your school core subjects – ELA, Humanities, Math, Science – and your electives, even if your school does not have a specific class or program for aviation studies.

Because this program is for students who have never flown an airplane before, our focus is on more than just aviation knowledge. We want to see that a student is capable, willing to be a part of something greater than themselves, able to show leadership qualities even if not in a specific leadership role, and is able to make a commitment and see it through. Examples to show these qualities should include activities in and out of school, and may include activities with volunteering, in their church, youth groups such as Girl Scouts, sports (team or individual), JROTC, or an after-school job.

Any example of skills gained or concepts learned in non-traditional ways are welcome – maybe you have great hand-eye coordination because of baseball, or maybe you have great focus and determination thanks to rock climbing! It all counts!

Are we required to sign-up for anything afterward?

No. Your experience is free of cost, and free of any implied or intended future commitments. We are not trying to sell anything to anyone.

When will we be notified if we are accepted?

Applications are reviewed on and ongoing basis until all 50 slots have been filled for the school year. Applications received in August, will be reviewed in September. Be sure to check your email for any communications from

Will we be notified if we are not accepted?

We will respond to each application, no matter what. There may be times when we ask an applicant to give us a little more information on one or more of the questions asked. It is up to the candidate to respond to the request in order to be considered for the program.

I did not get chosen. Can I reapply next year?

Absolutely! Please do!



  • Must have a parent or guardian permission forms and limit loss form completed.
  • Participants must be able to board the aircraft without assistance.
  • You must be capable of climbing and descending the equivalent of a standard ladder.
  • Upper physical restrictions for all planes (other than the C-47) are 6’5″, and 250 lbs.
  • All passengers are required to complete a Participant Release.
  • For safety, all passengers must wear closed-toe shoes. No sandals or flip-flops will be allowed. Long pants are recommended.
  • Large backpacks, shoulder bags, duffel bags, tripods or other bulky items are NOT permitted on the aircraft.
  • No animals are permitted on the aircraft.
  • Participation in the program allows the Palm Springs Air Museum permission to use likeness in educational, communication and marketing materials.
  • NO Firearms, Pepper or Chemical Sprays, Stun Devices or weapons of any kind are permitted on the aircraft.
  • Passengers must be 12 years of age or older. Minors who fly (age 12-17) must have their parent or guardian complete a Participant Release for Minors. The parent or guardian must be present for the flight.
  • No smoking or vaping devices are allowed on any of our aircraft.
  • No portable oxygen assistance devices are permitted.
  • Flights may be canceled due to weather, mechanical, or crew availability.

If you have questions, please email

Thank You To Our Partner

Atlantic Aviation